Barcode Solution in ChennaiSmart Aidc Systems
Barcode Solution in chennai


Years of Experienced

Barcode Solution in Chennai

Barcode solution in Chennai – Smart AIDC Systems & Solutions are end to end provider of class label printing equipments and supplies. We provide our valued added customers with labeling, tagging and barcode products including an extensive selection of thermal label printers, thermal label and tags, ribbons, and accessories such as label applicators and dispensers.

We take time to learn about our customers’ specific needs, then provide a comprehensive solutions, combining the right labeling equipments with assets hardwares including barcode scanners and data collections units. Contact us for more details : +91 97913 99552

We are engaged in Manufacturing and Trading of Thermal Barcode Printers, Barcode Scanners, Barcode Labels, and Mobile Computer etc. These are known for their durability and fine finish.

In adding to this, these products are known for their easy usability, high performance, long service life, and strong construction. Additionally, we are also offering Customized Inventory Software Solutions to our valued clients.

  • 24/7 Availability
  • Trusted & Professional
  • Expert Team
  • Cost Effective

What is Borcode Solution

Efficient & Cost-Effective Barcode Solution in Chennai. In the simplest terms Barcode Solutions can be described as a pattern containing numbers and a series of lines, printed on a product and uniquely identifying it.

A barcode or bar code is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. Initially, barcodes represented data by varying the widths, spacings and sizes of parallel lines.

These barcodes, now commonly referred to as linear or one-dimensional (1D), can be scanned by special optical scanners, called barcode readers, of which there are several types.

Later, two-dimensional (2D) variants were developed, using rectangles, dots, hexagons and other patterns, called matrix codes or 2D barcodes, although they do not use bars as such.

A mobile device with an inbuilt camera, such as smartphone, can function as the latter type of 2D barcode reader using specialized application software .

A barcode verifier works the way a reader does, but instead of simply decoding a barcode, a verifier performs a series of tests. For linear barcodes these tests are:

  • Edge contrast (EC)
  • Minimum bar reflectance (Rb)
  • Minimum space reflectance (Rs)
  • Symbol contrast (SC)
  • Modulation (MOD)
  • Inter-character gap
  • Defects
  • Decode
  • Decodability

The cheapest, barcode scanners are built from a fixed light and a single photo sensor that is manually moved across the barcode. Barcode scanners can be classified into three categories based on their connection to the computer.

Best Quality Product

Products We’re Offering

Barcode Scanner

We provide best quality product to our valuable clients.

Thermal Printer

We provide best quality product to our valuable clients.

Bio Metric Device

We provide best quality product to our valuable clients.


We provide best quality product to our valuable clients.


We provide best quality product to our valuable clients.

Why Choose Us

What is barcode solution for SAP?

SAP Barcode customized Solution is a simple-to-use, cost-effective out-of-the-box SAP barcode system that enables companies to connect their barcode scanners and automatic data collection (ADC) devices to their SAP systems faster, cheaper and at a lower risk than would otherwise be possible.

Benefits of Barcode Solution

In point-of-sale management, barcode systems can provide detailed up-to-date information on the business, accelerating decisions and with more confidence. For example:

Fast-selling items can be identified quickly and automatically reordered.

Slow-selling items can be identified, preventing inventory build-up.

The effects of merchandising changes can be monitored, allowing fast-moving, more profitable items to occupy the best space.

Historical data can be used to predict seasonal fluctuations very accurately.

Items may be reprised on the shelf to reflect both sale prices and price increases.

This technology also enables the profiling of individual consumers, typically through a voluntary registration of discount cards. While pitched as a benefit to the consumer, this practice is considered to be potentially dangerous by privacy advocates.

Barcode scanners are relatively low cost and extremely accurate compared to key-entry, with only about 1 substitution error. The exact error rate depends on the type of barcode.

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